“It’s been an unbelievable experience! I came to Lynn with an issue — a dysfunctional relationship with food — and after just the first session with EMDR, she helped me realize that it was a way of pacifying my voice just as my experiences and traumas had silenced it many times before. I didn’t even think I could get into the hypnotic state with all the clutter in my mind, but it felt like I literally drifted off into sleep and woke up with a new perspective on things. I no longer crave junk food, and I can honestly say that it’s been easier to be at peace with my every day at work, in life, and with myself.”
Release the Weight™ with Hypnosis
Access the Power of Your Unconscious Mind
to Achieve Your Ideal Weight Loss Goal
This hypnosis program gives you the control to achieve your ideal weight in a fit, toned and healthy body.
Control the choices you make about food and exercise.You will enter into hypnosis more deeply and effortlessly the more you use it. The same principles apply when building your muscles.
Your own personalized hypnosis recordings will be designed to break through the old barriers that have been holding you back from achieving and permanently maintaining your ideal weight.
Your progress and success will be fortified by incorporating strategies and techniques to overcome your own unique triggers and emotional blocks. Because it is personalized and designed during your session it will communicate directly to your unconscious mind to take control once and for all.
Hypnosis Program Review
The program below is a sample program for Lynn's clients who want to lose weight. Some clients require fewer sessions and some require more for the program to be a success, but the vast majority of clients will experience significant change in their eating habits and behaviors after the first one or two sessions.
Lynn's services are covered by many health benefits plans; check with your provider to determine the coverage for working with a registered professional therapist or counselor.
Session 1. Introduction to Hypnosis. Experience what it is like to enter into a hypnotic trance and meet your unconscious mind (your greatest ally). Power up your motivation while in hypnosis by designing your “magnificent makeover.” This will include ideal waist size, clothing size, what you will now be wearing and also feeling inside and out!
Session 2. Assess and identify your own emotional eating triggers. Experience hypnosis to learn to take control and block cravings. Promote inner feelings of comfort and calm to reduce emotional discomfort and stress.
Session 3. Mindful eating. Learn to tune into your inner body signals to eat moderately and feel satisfied. So many of us have learned to disconnect from our bodies and our stomachs because of the “love hate relationship” and struggles that have continued for what may seem like a lifetime. Use a mindfulness tool that helps you to become reacquainted with the sensations of hunger and satisfaction. This tool will then be incorporated into the hypnosis session to ensure that the brain and stomach work together as a powerful team to register feelings of fullness and satisfaction earlier, feeling satisfied with less and eating slowly like a gourmet.
Session 4. Power up. Shift your cravings from food to cravings for exercise! Experience a tailored hypnosis session that incorporates what you love to do to move, tone and strengthen your body.
Session 5. Pull it all together. Design your own personalized hypnosis recording that empowers you to overcome cravings, manage your “high risk” emotions, stress and triggers. Imagine your success with hypnosis. Seeing yourself successfully take control during hypnosis is now transferred into reality.
Congratulations! You now have invaluable resources and tools that will allow you to continue to with the successes you have made!!
Contact Lynn now to arrange an appointment and begin this fantastic and transformative program! Lynn is committed to offering valuable and effective treatment with your goals in mind.
Note: Before starting any nutrition or fitness program please consult with your physician.
It was life transforming, through Lynns gentle, kind and honest counseling she helped me acknowledge what I was ignoring, that my problem was in fact an addiction.- if it was there I ate it. Lynn counseled me, which I felt led to the breakthrough, she then made a personalized hypnosis recording for me, which I listened to diligently, and it really was immediate, it was as if everything around me started to give me proof about how bad sugar was for me and the real reasons not to eat it. For the first time in my life I had control over whether I ate something or not. Lynn listened to me and heard what I had to say, which was a first. I cannot recommend her enough and want to thank her for giving me my life back. — M.W.
I have been overweight for most of my life and diets were not giving me the results I desired. A friend of mine suggested I try hypnotherapy. I am so glad I did! Not only did it help me lose a significant amount of weight but I also learned about my eating habits and the emotional ties that came along with them. I would recommend hypnosis to anyone who is trying to lose weight. — Ashley
For as long as I can remember I have struggled with my weight. When I turned 50 it became evident that with my metabolism slowing the challenge was only going to be compounded. I knew this time I was going to need help. I have always been good about being somewhat active, even if that only meant walking to and from work. From time to time I would have periods of regular exercise, particularly I like to run, and would train to do the occasional race. When I went to see Lynn my goal was to not just "get in shape", but to finally lose the weight I wanted, get in shape and get healthy - for good. I believe with Lynn's help and hypnosis I am achieving that goal. We have had 3 sessions and I am having great success. I have had no desire for sugary treats or junk food, the things I would reach for when I was an emotional eater. I now crave healthy foods, which I always loved as well, but now even more so because I know they are the only way for me to reach my goal, and I am losing weight. Each session of hypnosis has reinforced my new habits, and I come out of them feeling even more confident and re-energized. I have never felt as optimistic as I do today about finally achieving the body I've always wanted. It's never too late, it's my time! — Wendy
I started listening to Lynn Lambert’s Release the Weight CD. At the time, I had the belief that I was not able to lose weight anymore. I had gained 9.5 pounds the previous year—not usual for me—and, after trying to lose it various times, felt it was too difficult to lose weight over the age of 40. I had resigned myself to having ‘middle-age spread’ but did not feel good about myself. When I heard about the CD, I immediately put it to use. I found, soon after, that I was losing interest in unhealthy, sweet and fatty foods. It was a natural transition … no restrictions … just the desire to make healthful choices automatically. Today, less than a year later, I have reached my goal weight – 14.5 pounds lighter. I have more energy, and I feel young again. Thank you, Lynn, for this special and effortless catalyst!
— J. Anderson
Create New Habits of Health and Fitness
Call Lynn at (403) 237-9045 to book an appointment or visit her Contact page to find out more. Lynn's services are covered by many health benefits plans; check with your provider to determine the coverage for working with a professional therapist or counselor.
You can find out more about hypnotherapy by reading Lynn's Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis and about the success of EMDR in Frequently Asked Questions about EMDR.